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                公司介绍 Company Profile

                       上海炬鼎实机电设备工程有限公司创立于2003年,是一家集进口设备销售、技术咨询、技术服务于一体的综合服务型企业。提供优质的国内外工业设备,同时拥有「一批专业的技术人员,为客户提供工程相关的技术咨询,方案优化、产品咨询、产品集成、工程技术服务和系统集成等全方位的服务。属于智力∞密集、技术密集的高科◆技集团企业。自公司成立以来,获得上海市工商行政管理局颁发的“守合同,重信用”企业证书和上海市合同信用∑ 促进委员会颁发的合同信用认定AAA级证书,并获得△上海市“诚ζ 信经营先进单位”的称号,公司符合《E-315:9000国际信用管理体系标准》。

                       Established in 2003, Jordons MEP Engineering Shanghai Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive trade service company with main business of imported industrial products distribution, technical consulting and serving. We supply high-quality industrial equipments from all over the world,and have professional technical staffs who sepcifically focus on providing full range services for customers, such as engineering related technical consultation, scheme optimization, product consultation, product integration, engineering technical service and system integration and so on. As an intelligence-intensive, technology-intensive and hi-tech company, till now, we have obtained the certificate for enterprises Following contract and Observing credit granted by Shanghai Industry and Commerce Administration Bureau, contract credit Class AAA certificate issued by Shanghai Contract Credit Promotion Commission, and the honorary title of The Integrity- Management Advanced Unit of Shanghai. We comply with E-315:9000 international credit administration system standard.


                        Our company mainly serves the key national construction industries such as Chemical Industry, Petrochemical Industry, Pharmaceutical Industry, Liquefied Natural Gas Industry, Marine Industry, etc. Since our inception, we have started to build an effective management system and a talent team with the principle of “Profession, Dedication and Specialty” and “Trustworthiness, Integrity management and Dedication service.”


                        Sticking to the basic idea of “integrity management and dedication service”, we have established an outstanding technical business team that follows our company values, masters advanced technology, and maintains integrity and dedication. We set high standards, master advanced technology, and keep continuous improvement of the overall quality of the teamwork in a harmonious and competitive atmosphere. The competitiveness of JORDONS comes from the overall quality of each employee and the comprehensive management level of the enterprise. Since the day of our foundation, we have been attaching great importance to establishing and improving all aspects of the management system and procedure, so as to ensure a standard and orderly workflow to provide our customers with satisfactory and developing technology.
